In-class rallies are a grand, grand waste of time. I would not go to them if I had a choice, but no, here, even the quietest students are forced to attend this event. It's "spirit", fine -- but I disagree that spirit is necessary for a school to function properly. We come here for our schooling; er, hence the name? not for some forty-five minute bleacher time-out in which cheerleaders in too short shorts and football players who have intentions of blasting my ears out attempt to rally us to yell and scream, and basically, jump on the stupid bandwagon. If I need that, I know where to find it. I don't need the school to provide anything for me beside a desk and a chair. I would venture as far as to say that spirit weeks are a waste of time and grossly overblown, but some of them are most entertaining, so I'm not complaining. But I despise the incessant horn-blowing during class periods and the general hype. It's all superficial.
Get it right, Leland.
On the other hand, I am le tired of grading articles. It's only the beginning, too. Janet and I have both been crabby these past few days from all the unhappiness that comes with EiC status in Journo.
But I'm convinced we can do this.