thebreakfastcafe → paradeofcolors
If for some reason you find that clicking on my blog leads you to "blog not found" you'll know that I've finally changed my URL 8D This is way better than moving, because I can keep everything here, but it's a hassle to everyone, oui/non? D8 I'm sorry. There's just too much to make a title out of and I can never decide. ;o; Arigato gozaimasu! ♥
If for some reason you find that clicking on my blog leads you to "blog not found" you'll know that I've finally changed my URL 8D This is way better than moving, because I can keep everything here, but it's a hassle to everyone, oui/non? D8 I'm sorry. There's just too much to make a title out of and I can never decide. ;o; Arigato gozaimasu! ♥
1 comment:
hi karen!
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