Tuesday, December 2, 2008

fruitless ambitions

I have honestly given up on AP Biology.
It seems as if everything I do in that class is so fruitless. I read, but I get yelled at in class for "obviously not reading". I just don't remember, really. I have all that APUSH reading in my mind...do you honestly believe I have the time to constantly reread my AP Bio notes? I do the work I'm required to do. But honestly, this class has made me hate biology.

I don't know what kind of college I'm going to. I don't want to know until the time really comes. But I'm definitely screwing up my life right now; my grades being what they are.

Not just the class, everything I do is so fruitless. Why don't I have a motivation to study anymore? Why I am so addicted to the internet, something I never had a problem with back in freshman & sophomore year? Why don't I get my butt off Facebook or Livejournal and just start working? Is it really that hard? If not then why can't I do it?

What is wrong with me?

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