So I just finished watching P.S. I Love You. My eyes are about to fall out of my head, they're so puffy and red and swollen right now. I swear Kleenex makes their fortunes off of people like us who can't resist the pull of chick flicks. I can't believe I cried (ahem, sobbed) my way through this movie. Screw your Edward Cullen, I'd take a guy like Gerry over any vampire any day.
Or maybe I've just had a lack of exposure to chick flicks in general. I watched the beginning and ending of Mean Girls the other day, just out of curiosity, and ... well, I don't have anything to say about it, except that it's pretty dang terrible. Does it even count as a chick flick? I don't even know the formal definition for a movie like that. You know a movie sucks when you don't even have the patience to watch the middle because it just seems all too predictable and too... asinine for your time.
I plan to marathon movies through the rest of June, or at least until my internship starts. Anyone have any recommendations? ^^
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