Sunday, February 15, 2009

Don't make a sound, keep your head down.

Wow, I don't think I've ever done two posts in a day before. I either edit the post before or I make a new one, depending on my mood.

I took another mock SAT test this afternoon and my score jumped up 130 points. I think maybe it was because I wasn't as sleepy as usual, when I take it in the mornings. It's in the 2000 range but still too low to satisfy me, so I'll keep quiet about it.

It never fails to surprise me...was I really this asinine, this dumb, this immature when I was a freshman? Suppose I were a guy. I don't think I would have liked 4, 5 girls in the same month. Nor would I have asked 3 girls out consecutively, only because I got rejected by the first three. If I were you I wouldn't have dared to ask the prettiest freshman out on campus.

Okay, that's not the point. If you want to get yourself all wallowed in high school lovesick drama that's meant to be this complicated, that's your choice and I won't say anything until you fall down, "heartbroken" - and then I'll just laugh.

My brother comes home with these kinds of stories all the time, and I just have to say, it's freaking annoying. He updates me on the "drama" every day, and it's always about this one "friend" he has at school (I'll call him Person #1) who cut himself on the neck over a girl because she didn't return his "apology" note after he asked for her address.

..sorry, but WHAT, THE, FREAK?

My friends and I had an argument about this in middle school, and I lost that argument because they said it was their own "style" and I had no right to complain about it, but ... I don't know about you guys, but it pisses me off when people type like this:

"cant w8! goin 2 da movies 2night to c da reader!! helluhh exciteddd, bcuz kAtRiNa is cumin 2!!!!!!! so txt meeeeeee plzzz [[[[[[="

Excuse me, but do you talk like this in real life? I should hope not. Would you ever dare to type like this in an email asking your teacher a question? You'd better not. I don't want to read it, or decipher whatever the heck you're trying to write, and that just turns me off for even wanted to approach you or talk to you. My friends used to type like this in middle school and I got really fed up with trying to read it all + the really obnoxious smilies with a thousand chins. I don't care if you do this if you're in a hurry, but I don't want to read it all the time. And I know this is really trivial, but I hate people who type like that.

There's this one person who friended me on facebook who types with hecka dots, like.............this.......... She's also very negative about everything, and it pisses me off when she IMs me and goes "hI~ how are yOu~" UGH. And when I don't respond, it's like "kArEN?!?!?!?! ^-^" HECKA ASIAN, BUT CAN YOU STOP PLEASE?

I'm done for now. I think my angst needs some time to settle down.

1 comment:

Claire said...

I totally know what you mean about the annoying typing! I laugh at people who do that because it shows how little they care about education. Or they're just really naiive.
And my friend's mom is like that one girl too. If I'm in the bathroom or something and she ims me then she thinks I'm ignoring her. It's so annoying!!