Today, I closed my eyes. My four friends chatted happily around me at the station. And no one noticed when tears started welling in my eyes. It wasn't until we all got on the lightrail and Tiff put her arm around me that she asked me if I was mad. And I put my head on my bag and the tears that had stopped came again. I cried harder than I've cried in a long time.
My mom was hurt because I'd snapped at her last night. In the morning, she was kinder than usual, but my mood didn't do itself credit. I snapped at my parents in the morning too, and was in a very foul mood. In the afternoon, I checked my phone and my dad had left me a voicemail, asking if I was okay, if I needed to talk, if something was wrong. I called him back, apologized for the morning, and everything was fine now. Then he told me my mom was going to the doctor later that day because she wasn't feeling well. I don't know why that hit such a nerve, but tears just started flowing down my cheeks when he said that. Then I called my mom, and she sounded fine. I told her when I was coming home, then hung up. I put my head in my hands, but no one noticed, since I just looked really tired.
I think I need to stop feeling like this.