why hello there. guess what! new celebrity crush: (OH MY sdfklafn;)
jang geun suk from the drama you're beautiful. homygosdfshklj he is BEAUTIFUL. when i watched the first episode my eyes were completely on hongki so i didn't focus too much on him, but it's pretty obvious that he and park shin hye are the main characters, thus the ones who will be tied together in the end... if he just dropped the black hairdo and did this instead i'd fall instantly for him. and i think i have. oh my god. OH MY GOD, so frickin pretty and 可愛 ;___; it's been a longgg time since i've spazzed about any one celebrity guy.
i think he kind of looks like evan yo. but so much prettier. this picture is making my heart rate speed zomg wut ;__;
..hem. excuse me. *__* i try not to fangirl often, which is why i don't watch dramas anymore because then i get depressed about the cute guys and start major fangirl-spazzing. i'm also trying to avoid watching this drama until apps are over and most of the episodes are out, since i don't like waiting for them.
time to shower! i'm cold. once my brother gets out of our bathroom -__-
1 comment:
I am so confused because I think I just made a new account on blogspot. ?? I'm trying to delete my "old" blogspot account b/c i'm never on that email.
LOL but i told you on fb that i'd comment more.
so anyway, i hear that that was a good drama! It's now on my list to watch. ah such a fat list.
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