I am frustrated. At who, I don't know. Maybe I do but I'm not sure?
All I want is to stop feeling this way. What is "this way?" I feel like I'm chronically sad, I always feel empty on the inside, I'm just...not happy. It's getting in the way of my day-to-day living, my emotions, my work, my life. I can't concentrate on homework anymore. I feel weaker now; I feel tired often, and sleep a lot more. But again, I am only frustrated. I am not angry. For the first time, I held it in, forced myself to act as if nothing was wrong, and finally pushed it so deep inside that I don't even feel it anymore.
Despite that, whoever's meddling with me should not have this kind of power.
sorry this is kind of stalker but from reading this it sounds like you're suffering from symptoms of depression... maybe talking to a professional might help?
haha I went back and I reread it and it does sound like it, a little bit. despite the negativity of this post I don't think I could call myself depressed...I think since I spend so much time alone now, I only feel like this when I'm alone?
thank you for dropping the comment though, it means a lot :]
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