Saturday, May 9, 2009


Sorry to do this to you all, but doing <> for everything I want to bold or italicize in a facebook note gets REALLY old and annoying after a while,'s much easier to do ctrl+b in a blogspot post. :) Here is the outline I have drawn up for what has been organized so far. Comment is OpenID, so feel free to leave something under AIM or just your gmail.


First off, I'd like to say that the reservation at Buca is now confirmed for FOURTEEN people at 5:30 PM. The fourteen seats are reserved for the first thirteen people listed (I reserved an extra seat in case) However, since Stephanie & Brian and David & Florence were just suggested yesterday, I may have to change the reservation depending on whether or not they are coming. I haven't heard from either four of you, so I need to know from you guys personally that you are coming to dinner with LOVECREW. I've posted the guest list below. If your names have (?) next to them, you're not confirmed yet.

Liana, Sam, Kimberly, Grace (?), Stephanie H.
Dexter & Claire
Doug & Elizabeth
Linda & Kevin (?)
Norris & Karen
David & Florence
Brian & Stephanie


In the case that everyone decides to come with LOVECREW, we are three over the number I reserved. If you guys are not on the actual guest list, I need to you to do one of the following to confirm or decline your attendance:

1. Comment on this post using OpenID & your REAL NAME
2. email me
3. Message/wall post me on facebook

(EDIT) I have changed the reservation to seventeen people. Even if you're not attending LOVECREW's preparty, please show up promptly at 5:30 PM, in front of Buca @ Oakridge, if you're on the guest list.


The preparty is being held at Doug's house. There are a few things I would like to mention:

1. The girls will be getting ready upstairs at Doug's house after getting their hair done. We will bring our dresses & makeup & hair stuff & all that jazz to get ready upstairs. Doug, I think I asked you about this already, but if this arrangement isn't okay with you, tell me right away so I can find another place for us girls to get ready, okay? :) We should take just a little under two hours. :D

GIRLS (getting ready with LOVECREW)
Jenny (has to leave around 3:45; girls, we need to do her makeup & hair first!)
Liana (?)
Sam (?)
Grace (?)

(EDIT) So far, the only people scheduled for a hair appointment are ELIZABETH & me -- since we're getting our hair done together. If anyone would like to come with us, please contact me at one of the three locations listed above. The hair salon that we're going to is at the corner of Blossom Hill & Snell, near Pet Club and not far from Oak Grove High School. I will give those who confirm their attendance the specific address. We will meet there around 12, then are going straight to Doug's house to get ready. Thus, bring your dresses and makeup to the hair appointment, in the car. I'd advise you keep it in an opaque covering to prevent the guys from seeing it ahead of time, but that's just me, really :D

2. The guys will be either a. heading over to Norris's house to hang out/get ready; or b. staying downstairs at Doug's house until the girls are finished primping.

3. Pictures on the staircase will be taken from 4:30 - 5 PM, before we head off to dinner. Dexter, please use your own judgment when you ask your dad to come and help take pictures for us. Whenever he's free is fine, just before dinner, please! :)


The preparty is being held at Doug's house as well, but Norris has also offered to host it, conveniently two doors down. I would advise the girls to bring a change of clothes when they arrive at Doug's house to get ready for the actual dance; speaking from experience, hanging out at an afterparty in a formal, $100+ prom dress is one of the worst things ever. Wear something comfortable... in all honesty, PJ pants work :D


Since we are not getting a limo, the rides are ordered in this fashion:

Home ➝ Doug's house
Doug's house ➝ Buca
Buca ➝ Scottish Rite Center
Scottish Rite Center ➝ Norris's house

If you guys need rides, please post any requests that you have.


So, the sparknotes of this entire post is as follows:


12:30 - 2 PM -- Hair appointment for LOVECREW girls
2:30 (3) - 5:30 PM -- Preparty @ Doug/Norris's house(s) -- (during this time, girls will be getting ready upstairs)
4:30 - 5:15 PM -- Picture session (on the epic staircase!)
5:30 - 7:30 -- Dinner @ Buca
8 - 11 PM -- Dance @ Scottish Rite Center
11:30 - 1 AM -- Afterparty @ Doug/Norris's house(s)

THIS WILL BE UPDATED AS WE GO ALONG THE WEEK. Check back frequently or post ANY questions that you have on the facebook message thread or here; I will read them and get back to you as soon as I possibly can.