Monday, June 29, 2009

long long

Yesterday was Relay for Life @ Leland. A first for a lot of things.

boooohoo it was fun! Kind of. There were some bumps here and there -- let's just say Tiffany's never ever been angry at me in her entire life, and she got mad yesterday. I'm still not really too sure why...? but I kind of have a general idea. I don't really see how it could have pissed her off THAT much though ><

I got there at 12 in the afternoon because I woke up too late (heh heh), then accompanied Emily & Jay to the Cabana Club from 12 - 5, while Tiffany was lifeguarding there. It was...boring, to say the least. I went home at 1 to eat lunch, then came back at 2; we walked to PW for food and then went back to the pool to eat ice cream :D we all went back to Leland, finished spray painting our shirts until 7:30; then I went home, took a shower, came back, and Elizabeth was here to visit! She asked her parents if she could stay overnight but they said no...I was actually very surprised because her parents have never said no to anything I've asked her to go on, whether it be mall or swimming or anything ;_; She left at 11.

Anyway, Norris was there too, and I was walking around the track with Elizabeth around 10 when I saw him for the first time that day. I'd seen him from a distance during the day but it wasn't until then that I actually stopped to talk to him. The first thing he did was hug me, and that was very...surprising. It made me kind of *giddy* for a while, until Elizabeth left. I asked him if he wanted to go walking around the track with me, and we did. But we walked at a distance from each other, and that made me kind of...disappointed. I haven't seen him for four days and haven't talked to him for three, so it was kind of obvious that I really had missed him. When we sat down on the benches near the track, there was still space between us. He kept getting up to talk to people, or to check if anyone needed help with serving food or cleaning up or things like that. When he said he was doing work, I finally gave up and walked back to the tent by myself, where I found everyone (Steven, Cynthia, Jay & crew) sitting there. We lay in a circle for a while, until everyone decided to go walk some more. This was around 11 o'clock...but since I wasn't included in any group, I stayed in the tent by myself. I must say it was rather lonely, with only The Omnivore's Dilemma and a lantern to keep me company.

I was disappointed that Norris was so passive towards me even after four days apart. It seemed like I'd missed him a lot, but he didn' all. That made me really sad. When Tiffany came back, I was lying face down in my blanket, and when she touched my back I immediately started to cry. She pulled me up, led me out of the tent, and told me to go walk with her. We walked three or four laps before Doug joined us, but...she talked about how compatible we were, as a couple, and that we were both not easy people to get along with, stuff like that. She talked about how we both had to yield a little to make the relationship work, and...well, she really helped to calm me down. Considering she was so, so angry at me earlier in the day, this was a huge breakthrough for the two of us. But anyway, after a few laps, I saw Norris walking off from the community service area when we passed the lighted area, and Tiffany, still holding my arm, kept walking, and didn't notice him.

I watched him reach into his pocket and pull out his phone. I watched him dial and put the phone to his ear. And inside, I was praying, please, let this call be to me. For the sake of us, please let this call be for me. And sure enough, just when I was about to stop hoping, I heard my phone go off in my pocket, and I picked up and simply told him "Turn around,"... then hung up. I thought I was about to cry again.

Doug, Norris, Tiff, and I walked around the track for a while longer, until Norris sensed that there was something wrong when I was abnormally quiet, and said he wanted to go back to camp to rest. He motioned for me to follow him, and we went back to camp together and lay under the stars. I was still quiet and not talking much, and he had to lean over to hear me multiple times. I put my hand down on the turf and used it as experiment apparatus...and sure enough, he put his hand down, took mine, and held it. Then it got too cold just to hold hands. I brought out my blanket but it was too we went inside the tent.

Back inside the tent, we sat down together and I was holding Paco; him, a pillow. I asked him if he wanted to trade, just for fun, but he handed me the pillow and said "You can have both." Just when I took the pillow, he said "I have Karen" and pulled me to and firm.

Thus started our couple alone-time, in which we kicked everyone (well, not technically kicked, they all just stayed outside and let us have it) out of the tent and spent all four hours in there together. It was fun...we talked a lot, and when Rachel called him to go play basketball, I was expecting him to leave, and was just starting to feel sad when I heard him go "I'm hanging out with my girlfriend -- I MEAN -- umm I'm hanging out with Karen." That made me so ridiculously happy, it's like, not even funny. Jay told us not to get dirty. Jerk -_-;

I should be working on TSLP right now. what on earth am I doing.

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