Sunday, December 6, 2009

the post script.

I'm going through another blogspot withdrawal again, and I'll probably be away from here for another extended period of time, depending on how things look up or down in the next few weeks, or even months. Before then I can be found at dreamwidth, which I use extensively nowadays.

Two locations: chingu is my public DW, fairly new, and will mostly be used for fandom. clavier is my friends locked journal, and the one I update most frequently.

If you would like an invite code, do not hesitate to ask. ♥ I actually like DW better than LJ for a few reasons, one being that it's much, much less crowded and I get the usernames I want the most kyah 8D; and also because the name is prettier. In general I've always loved the interface and feel of DW/LJ because their settings are so versatile, and I'll definitely be hanging around there more in the future. I don't use my LJ much anymore, but you can always find me on dreamwidth.

& yes. toodles~ I'll still be checking here but I won't be writing much.

sorry claire I keep moving /hits head :[

ETA: I don't want to leave :[ so I guess I'm here for good.


vatican said...

LOL See you later, if you choose to move?? ^^
I forgot if I can access your clavier through homojanai (i think it's still locked?? can't remembeR)

I'm still at LJ for now haha

Karen said...

locked only to the outside world, not locked to those who have access to homojanai :3 just use this reading page if you want to see my posts.

& lj is fun, i'm still trying to decide on a new nameeeee someone needs to help me decide ;_; i don't really like my current one because it has some...unhappy memories inside, and i've always used lj as an emotional dump...which is why i would like a new one, i'm just deciding which one to use.