Saturday, August 30, 2008

you are the symphony of my heart

Recently, I've been playing a lot of piano...I don't know what I want in life anymore. Odd sentence to write right after that, but I play piano for an hour and get tired. But when I think back to practicing...maybe half an hour later, I (seriously) ache to go back and play more. I love piano more than anything. Using it as a major would be absolutely wonderful. But it's so competitive, and I can't practice for an hour and a half without getting tired of it...what does that mean? No passion?

Music is what defines my life. But piano. Piano? Everyone plays piano. Gracious, that's not that good of an accomplishment, is it? I've been playing since I was six. That's ten years. But hey, EVERYONE does that!

Something like that.

Anyway, I have a lot of homework this weekend, so I'm going to go work on that. I'm not changing blogspots anymore. I've used this email account for so long and I hate changing because I have to add everyone back and bug people about adding me back. I hate being bugged and therefore I hate bugging people.

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