Saturday, October 31, 2009

too tired to think of one

It never fails to amaze me how high school students who grew up in the United States and have lived here all their lives have obviously gone through eleven years of public/private schooling and learned absolutely nothing. How to read a Dick and Jane book. How to write their names. How to color inside the lines. Noun. Verb. Adjective. One and three make four. The capital of New Jersey is Trenton.

But you're a high school senior and you don't know what the word "isolation" means?

For "pagoda" (whom some seniors deemed a "tree") I should be more forgiving because, well, I'm Asian, it's second nature to me, and pagoda does indeed sound like a tree. It's still a word you should know. But isolation? You have gone through eleven years of schooling and not once encountered this word? Or, if you did, were you simply too lazy to look this word up? How can you possibly get past even the first question on the critical reading section of the SAT with that scope of vocabulary?

How can you live your life like this?

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