Sunday, September 7, 2008

jeux d'eau

Joyce, Norris and I went to MLK today!

We studied apart while we were at the library because we all have different Project A topics anyway, plus it helps the concentration and mind flow. We were all on different floors for the whole time - Norris was down at the LL, I was on the sixth floor, and I have no idea where Joyce was. I have five books that I might possibly use now. Which reminds me, I need to go and renew my library book before I get another fine.

I ran into Lynn & Michelle Kim while I was studying, haha ♥

I skimmed the books first, and then I moved to a more private desk in a corner (the personal ones) and stayed there for an hour and a half. I did some SAT math practice and finished French homework. Then, I got yelled at for talking on my cell phone because Norris called and asked where I was. Whoops :(

After MLK we went to Starbucks where they all mooched off my food and my frap >:(


Dexter, Norris and I went to MLK :) We didn't have much time, we only spent an hour there before the library closed and we left. Norris ditched us, AGAIN, so Dexter and I just studied on the 4th floor together :)

We went to Quickly because it was open and well, we're Asian! The girl who took my order was so rude. I asked for a passion fruit icy and she rolled her eyes at me and went "um, do you mean passion fruit slushy?" I wanted to slap her, it's not a wonder Quickly got sued a few years back with that kind of attitude :)

candid laughter: i hope her face gets blown up in a blender

haha, well I better run off to bed. I still have some unfinished homework to take care until later, tata sayonara ♥

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