Sunday, November 15, 2009

i'm so sorry that i love you

quick post before i run off to finish homework and OWN UP to those college statements.

today mimi ahyi took kevin, karissa, jonjei and me to the college talk that one of the chinese school parents was holding at her house. her daughter ellen is a graduate of UC Irvine, and she talked with us for about two hours about the college application process, how to handle it, college life, &c. she's a great speaker and she really knew how to keep the conversation going, even without questions. tzuchi & chinese school networking ftw! i took a lot of notes, and i was really glad that i decided to go after my mom talked me into it.

april, alex and i were the only seniors there... jeremy (from pioneer), michelle (cynthia's sister) and some guy who i didn't get the name of. 'twas fun, bonding with them for a few hours. alex and i started talking about aid when we congregated in the kitchen for snacks and conversation. seriously, whenever i meet someone who's been on that program, it ALWAYS comes up in conversation. it happens all the time -- with norris, with thomas, and now with alex, teehee. it's really fun and i love talking about it, but i don't really like how it excludes everyone else from the conversation :( hard not to talk about it, but we did encourage michelle to apply! ^^

then we talked with ellen about leland teachers...she's so awesome :D "LUCAROTTI'S STILL THERE?!" hahaha. i was pretty sad when we had to leave. and imagine i didn't even want to come in the first place... i'm really glad i went! sunday bonding with friends, and getting info for college. it was pretty awesome.

actually, it's time for dinner. thankie i'm mostly done with apes.
NEED TO WORK after dinner though.


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